Monday, September 3, 2018
It's been a rough year...
Yes, I'm somehow still alive. And yes, this October you folks at home will be seeing the return of The Long Dark Marathon of the Soul. 31 movies and my candid thoughts on them, no matter how inconsequential they may be. The theme for this year, because we're suddenly doing theme years now, is 'Familiar Faces, Old and New". You're going to be seeing a lot of names and even some ideas that have popped up in previous Marathons and independent entries, even more so than usual, so hopefully you're into that sort of thing. Anyway, I'm still hard at work finishing up the last of the list, so see you all on October 1st!
A Brief Return
If anyone regularly reads this blog, I'm sorry that I dropped off the face of the Earth there with no warning. Hadn't planned...
Yes, I haven’t posted on this blog for a while (remember The Warriors ?). Yes, lists are an overdone trick on the internet these days, ...
The Trailer and The Appropriate Tune: "Without Warning/Tooth and Nail", by Dokken Of all the franchises that cam...
Originally written for the Tricycle Offense I’d say that a significant amount of time has passed since my last Double Feature artic...